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The Powers That Be - Is The Music Industry Pimping The Music?
By Denise Daniels
The music industry made up of several record labels is often given a "bad rap". No, they do not force our children to listen to the negative music that they sell - remember we all have freedom of choice. However, what they are guilty of is flooding the market with the same types of music and turning a deaf ear to any music that does not fit into their profit margin. So, what you don't hear - you won't want to buy. The music industry has always done this, but even more so now that their profits are decreasing due to the popularity of online websites who offer a large library of music not only from artists we are familiar with, but new artists who have not been able to break through the industry road blocks. Music labels are notorious for keeping music that does not promote their interest off the radio stations by making sure that the music that DOES promote their interest is played in rotation - what kind of deals do they make? Is it payola? Not sure - that is for a legal mind to determine. The fact remains that only certain music selections are on the air - and we keep listening and buying the same song, different artist - just like the music labels want us to.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI, as well as MIDI controllers, represent a revolution in how we create, perform, edit and record music. This is even more true with each passing day as computers become more powerful, compact and pervasive.
At its core, sound is analog. That is, sound waves can exist in infinite combinations. This is necessary for sound to seem rich and unique, but it makes recording and transmitting much more difficult.
This is where digitizing and MIDI come in. By breaking down sound into various qualities, and by representing each with a number, we gain an ability to create and transmit sounds in a way that would be quite difficult were we working with infinite possibilities.
Top 50 Music Quotations
By Danielle Hollister
Discover the phenomenonal complexity of music and reflect on the way it can positively influence your life with this sound collection of riveting quotes...
What You Should Know About Multimedia
By Gabi Andrei
In the last few years we have seen a major evolution in the computer industry especially in multimedia.
Multimedia and Internet are two of the dominant trends in the field of high technology equipment, software and telecommunications. Both subjects are represented more in Windows operating system, which contains very well known multimedia features. Another major trend is the explosion of computers on the PC households. Most computers sold on the market now include at least DVD-ROM unit.
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Did you know that it is possible to fool your brain into thinking its time to relax, sleep, be creative or even be happy? In fact through the use of binaural beats you can now easily create almost any mental or physical state known to Man on demand!
Binaural beats are special auditory tones that are used to create specific brainwaves in the brain of the listener. The reason why binaural beats can act on the brain in this fashion is due to the fact that the brain has a tendency to follow the frequencies of certain outside stimuli. When tones, or even flashing lights like those used in mind machines, are presented to the brain in a certain way the brain will create brainwaves that are the exact same frequency as the lights or tones. This is a process known as brain entrainment.