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Albany, N.Y
Local zoning laws are looking to make Restaurants, Coffeeshops and Bars in Albany pay an annual fee to the local government for hosting live music events. We all know small venues are closing up all over America since times are tough, but this plan to help stimulate Albany’s economy isn’t going to make anything better for anyone. It’ll put even more stress on small business owners and put an end to shows.
If this law passes here, it can spread around the country. Just say NO WAY.
Tell us what you think.
So, you open up a new song in GarageBand and add a software instrument. It loads up a Grand Piano and sits there waiting for you to play your masterpiece. But wait, there's a problem. What do you use to play this piano, your computer keyboard? I don't think so.
One of the first things new GarageBand users realize is that it's very difficult performing, programming and recording MIDI using a QWERTY keyboard. This sends them on a journey to find the right MIDI keyboard. The problem is that, for a newbie, the number of different MIDI keyboards available is overwhelming. How do they decide which one is right for them? Let's take a look at the options.
First of all, do not settle when it comes to band members!
Too many bands just find the next guy who can play the instrument they need and sign them up as the new, permanent band member. I cannot stress this enough, but take the time to find members that you really click with. And I'm talking relationally. If you guys can jam together without a hitch and create great sounding music, that's cool, but if you can't hang out together for twenty minutes without getting sick of each other, (even if it's only a little) it's best if you part ways. One day you'll be in the studio twelve hours a day for three months straight with that person, and then it'll really hit the fan.
I wonder if music will evoke the same memories for those growing up today as it did for me and my generation, and the ones before me for that matter. I can look back over forty plus years and pinpoint albums that were crucial to my youth, adolescence and everything before, after and in between. I can remember trips in to Manchester to buy certain records on the day of release, visits to my friend Barry's magnificent record store in Sheffield where I would wade through rack after rack of American imports along with a multitude of other hidden gems. I would bury my head in piles of records for what seemed like hours.
For budding musicians and musical artists, knowing what MIDI recording software to your music is very essential. Musical Instrument Digital Interface or MIDI enables you to arrange different musical instruments in various tracks. It is a kind of communication protocol for computers and MIDI instruments such as MIDI pianos or keyboards to work together and play music. Nowadays, it is possible for you to attach your MIDI digital piano to a computer and use MIDI piano software to combine and recreate the sounds. It is the latest innovation in the music industry so it is truly necessary that all music lovers know more about what MIDI Recording Software does to your music.
I really enjoy making music in GarageBand because it's so easy to use. If I have a musical idea in my head, I can literally get a song set up and ready to record in about 30 seconds. One of the reasons for this is how easy it is to record MIDI in GarageBand. Let me show you.
Add A New Software Instrument Track
I am going to assume that you're starting with an empty song so your first step is to add a new software instrument track and assign it to play an appropriate sound. The steps for this are: