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Computer processing speeds have now reached the point where it is becoming increasingly viable to run software simulations of synthesizers, samplers and drum-machines on personal computers within the popular MIDI Audio DAW's such as Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Logic Pro and Cubase SX - providing an even more highly integrated environment for music recording and production. Just as the wide range of software signal processing plug-ins has been developed - bringing the outboard into the computer environment - now the programmers are bringing in the MIDI gear as well. These software simulations are also known as virtual instruments as they are constructed using computer code rather than real hardware.
Most people associate MIDI files with those hollow tinny sounds that used to come out of your computer speakers in the early 90's, before mp3 files rose to prominence. However, the reason MIDI files usually sound so bad isn't the fault of the MIDI - it's the fault of the computer.
MIDI is actually a very powerful file type which is quite different from most digital music files. MIDI files don't store audio - they store music data. They store the type of data you might typically find on sheet music. This might include things like the notes that each instrument should play, the key, and the tempo. For this reason the MIDI format is extremely popular among musicians, and in fact much of today's popular music is created in MIDI format at the earliest stages.
Here are a few of the advantages of using the MIDI format alongside other digital music formats.
Music sequencers have had many drastic changes throughout the years-especially in the past decade. Previously, they did not include the recording and editing features-just basic midi file organization tools. Now sequencers are featured in not only programs, but in special synthesizers and all musical workstations available. You have to know more about it by reading the article below.
MIDI files, also known as musical instrument digital interface are useful music formats that allow your electronic musical instruments to synchronize, control and communicate with each other. Whether you want your drum machines, synthesizers, computers, sound cards or MIDI controllers to communicate and synchronize with one another, a MIDI file can be important.
However most of the music files these days are in different music format and you may need to convert or create MIDI files with them. Especially if you are a musician who needs little accompaniment, these types of files can be helpful. These type of files are also better than other formats as this is a smaller file than the other digital audio files.
Boulder, Colo. – August 12, 2013 – Piano Wizard Academy announces the new Piano Wizard iOS application, which brings the academy’s award-winning music education video game system to iPhone and iPad. Providing the tools to learn how to play piano and read music in a quick and affordable way, the app will allow students to enjoy the neurological benefits of musical education, such as increasing memory capacity, improving math, reading and comprehension skills, and sharpening concentration.
Available for pre-order today through Kickstarter, the Piano Wizard app will apply the principles of the company’s trusted keyboard and software-based full-learning system, which has already successfully taught thousands of children and adults to play and read music in minutes.
Or visit Piano Wizard iPad web site
Piano Wizard Academy never ceases to amaze us. What started out as a simple piano learning software game first evolved into a complete music learning system.
Now, Music Wizard Group, the makers of the 4 step learn how to play piano system has launched their brand new Virtual Campus - a new source for free music lessons online in a social network experience.
Head on over to the Virtual Campus and check it out. Although Piano Wizard Academy customers gain access to additional features and bonsues, basic silver membership is free.