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  by Flash  , Friday 30 May 2008 à 20:29, Categories: Music, For Musicians

New Online Label Store Debuts

Nashville songplugger Raleigh Squires, a 30-plus-year veteran of the music business, has announced the opening of a new Internet record label/music download store at

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  by Flash  , Wednesday 21 May 2008 à 12:54, Categories: News, In real life, On the web

Update 5/22: The winning song was announced last night: Time Of My Life by Reggie Hamm. Mr. Hamm's bio is below. However, based on Idol's low key approach to the song's announcement (amazing that Hamm's name was NEVER mentioned on the show), it just adds fuel to the fire. Does this mean that:

a) Idol is aware of the growing discontent with the contest and chose to low-key it.
b) Hamm specifically requested to "fly in under the radar"
c) This is the end of this songwriting contest.
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.

Who knows - and will we ever know? Either way, certainly no disrepect to Mr. Hamm is implied. (or any other songwriter). Hamm is an accomplished writer and we wish him the best of success in his career.

Now back to the original article:

On the eve of the 2008 American Idol finale, there is a growing conspiracy theory about the songwriting contest. Last year's winner had relationships with American Idol. This year's winning songwriter has a working relationship with last year's winner. What's wrong with this picture?

For the second year in a row, American Idol has run this songwriter contest, allowing people from all over the country to enter in which the winner will have their song sung and recorded by the winning Idol. At $10 per entry, American Idol – more accurately 19 Entertainment Co made a few hundred thousand dollars off the submissions. Was the general public "conned" into thinking they had a shot at being "discovered"?

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  by Flash  , Thursday 15 May 2008 à 14:47, Categories: Music, For Musicians

If you have been recording or producing music via a computer, you may have heard the term VST. What is VST and how does it figure in to playing, recording, and editing music?

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  by Flash  , Friday 2 May 2008 à 22:25, Categories: On the web

Many of our customers already know about our partnership with Allegro Multimedia, the creators of Piano Wizard. We're excited to announce a great new affiliate program now available on the shareasale network.

For more information, simply click on the graphic.

  by Flash  , Saturday 26 April 2008 à 23:08, Categories: On the web, Music, For Musicians

Jimmy Bruno Guitar Institute Shatters Enrollment Projections, Introduces Proprietary Technology

The Internet-based Jimmy Bruno Guitar Institute (JBGI) announces that it has quadrupled in size, in just the last six months, to over 1350 paying students. Originally designed for 350 students, the JBGI has shattered all enrollment projections since opening in May 2007. "The growth has been phenomenal and gratifying", says Affiliated Artists CEO and JBGI co-founder David Butler. "Now that guitarists know Jimmy Bruno's unique and effective guitar method is available online, it has spread like wildfire."

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  by Flash  , Wednesday 9 April 2008 à 11:06, Categories: Music, For Musicians

Digital Music - Home Studio Music Recording
By Brian Beshore

Home recording has come a long way in the last few decades. Many people do not realize that much of what they hear on T.V. and in commercials is electric.

Many people still have a negative connotation about how electric music sounds. They think that it must always have a cheesy sound.

Part of this stigma is the confusion over midi. and wav. sound files. Simply put, midi is a signal that is sent to a sound card and triggers a note on a preset instrument sound. Therefore, the sound you get from a midi. sound file will only be as good as the sound card you are using.

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