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Who knew MIDI could be extended to corn dogs
If you play the organ then you are probably familiar with bass pedals. They are also available as separate units and are known as MIDI bass pedals and you can use them with any keyboard that has MIDI ports. Just connect a MIDI cable from the MIDI out on the keyboard to the MIDI in on the pedal board and you can play any of your keyboard sounds from the pedal board.
Congratulations! Your singing has become amazing, and it's time the world knew. You've also written some songs that are just kick you-know-what. They need to be recorded, MP3ed and put on the net ASAP. But you've got two problems. First, you can't afford a studio, let alone a band for all this stuff. Second, you don't play all, or any, of the instruments.
Short loops, drum beats and sound effects, the kind often found on relatively inexpensive sample CDs, are basic tools for laying down most any kind of music track. While work like this is exactly what samplers were designed for, you don’t need to invest in one unless you’re doing a lot of work with chromatic instruments or strings. You can get the same job done using any Creative Labs soundcard that supports “SoundFonts” and a SoundFont editor program like the Vienna SoundFont Studio.
Are you a songwriting prude? Do you sigh and shake your head when someone mentions "rhyming dictionaries"? Well, folks, I hate to break the news, but the information highway is plowing a great big road right through your creative process and perhaps it 's time to jump on board.
So if you have been hesitant to use all these "new-fangled" tools or just haven't been made aware of them, here 's your chance to see what "high-tech" songwriting is all about. Don't worry. It 's not going to tell your creative side to go sit in the corner. Rather it will open your eyes to just what is available.
by kevin03
With the computer being able to do so many composites' in the new era you might wonder should you play live or should you just synthesize every sound needed in the comfort of your own home? Many wonder this every day, with the computer you can make virtually any instrument sound with ease and have them play at the same time. If you are considering this option, think about the things you can do either way. Playing live means that you can see your audience, but you can't so much with a computer.
MIDI files are one of the types that are used to simulate the sounds of instruments. As time has progressed, the sounds have become less electronic sounding and more realistic. The MIDI format is primarily used on Mac Pc 's . They utilize plug ins that are already existent, plus you can always download more of them. This makes them very appealing to those who just seek to make music using a computer rather then going live.
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