When MIDI matters, choose CYBERMIDI Custom MIDI Production

A decade of Customer Satisfaction - Quality You Can Trust!


MIDI is a work of art Imagine taking a great painting and "tracing" it...reproducing is as close as possible to the orginal. How about taking a movie and creating an animated film from it? In a nutshell, that's what CYBERMIDI MIDI files are. Just as important as capturing the right notes is capturing the "mood" of the actual song track. That's the CYBERMIDI difference.

Now you can have your very own custom MIDI file production. From pop songs - to originals - to full blown musical scores, we can do it for you. Many of our customers are performing musicians looking to save time - they'd rather be playing than creating MIDI arrangements. If you like what you've heard on our web site, we're sure you will love what we can do for you at competitive prices...and quality that will blow you away! Whether you need a sequence for a backing track, or just because you appreciate high quality midifiles, we can accomodate you.

Once we receive your reqest, we will give you an estimated start and completion date. Due to the nature of computer files, there can be no refunds, but we strive to make customer satisfaction our number one priority. The job will not be considered complete until your are fully satisfied (within reason of course).

Upon completion, we will generally offer the MIDI file to our members, however we offer an optional exclusivity agreement available if desired. With this option, you choose how long the sequence is exclusively yours and not made available to anyone else. During your excluvity period, should someone else request the same song, if you agree to allow them use of the sequence, we will pay you 50% of the delivery price to the customer. (this happens very rarely).

We require a copy of the song either on CD, Cassette - or MP3 /WMA sent via email. Do not email the file(s) directly. Use the ink below to upload the file. Once received, we will provide an exact price - not an estimate. If you agree to it, it must be prepaid and we will email updates as they occur until we send the final product. For full blown musicals (showtunes), it would be best to send the complete musical score either in PDF or TIFF image file format.


Our Custom sequencing rate is $35 per hour. (Minimum cost is $85.) The average price is about $100. (compare that to up to $300 elsewhere) . There are several factors which determine the final price quote, such:

  • the complexity of the song...will generally increase the price
  • the number of instruments...more intrumentation will generally increase the price and vice versa.
  • the popularity of the song...will increase or decrease the price
  • the length of the song...over 4 1/2 minutes will generally increase the price
  • priority service...if you need it fast it will increase the price
  • the old supply and demand factor...depending on how busy we are may fluctuate the price.
  • customer loyalty...frequent buyers will generally recieve lower pricing.

CYBERMIDI Members recieve a 10% discount off our regular rate and recieve priority service. Once you receive and agree to your quote, place your order and select the price level as instructed.


STEP 1. Send an MP3 of the song. We have a few options for this.

  • Option 1: DropBox. (Prefered) If you wish to have immediate access to your file as we work on it, you can use your own DropBox account, or create one HERE. DropBox 2GB is free and a great utility to share files between computers or friends. Simply open your account. We will share a folder with you. Drop the mp3 right into the folder and as we work on your order, we'll drop the MIDI file(s) right in the same folder. The file size of the mp3 does not matter.
  • Option 2: YouTube. Simply send us a ticket through our helpdesk and point to the YouTube link. For best production, the video sound should be of high quality.


Thank you for choosing CYBERMIDI for your MIDI needs.